RBE No. 152/2006: Family Pension – To Daughter
No.F(E)III/98/PN1/4, dated 13.10.2006
Sub: Eligibility of divorced/ widowed daughter for grant of Family Pension.
1. Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 16.03.2005 (RBE No. 44/2005), for grant of family pension to widowed/ divorced daughters even after attaining the age of 25 years subject to fulfillment of all other conditions prescribed in the case of son/ daughter. These instructions were based on the corresponding instructions issued by Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW), nodal department of the Government on pensionary matters vide OM No.1/19/03-P&PW(E), dated 25.08.2004. The said instructions dated 25.08.2004 were not clarificatory enough as regards entitlement to family pension in cases where divorce/ widowhood takes place after attaining the age of 25 years. Pending receipt of clarification from DOP&PW, it was decided by the Board to insert a stipulation vide para 3(i) of Board’s instructions dated 16.03.2005 to the effect that a divorced/ widowed daughter shall be eligible for sanction of family pension provided the divorce with or death of her husband takes place before her attaining 25 years of age.
2. The matter has since been under consideration in Board’s office in consultation with the DOP&PW and it has now been clarified by the DOP&PW that family pension is admissible to widowed/ divorced daughters irrespective of the fact that the divorce/ widowhood takes place after attaining the age of 25 years or before attaining that age, subject to other conditions being satisfied.
3. In view of the above clarification, para 3(i) of Board’s letter of even no. of 16.03.2005 (RBE No. 44/2005) shall stand modified as under:
“(i) Family pension shall be admissible to divorced/ widowed daughter from 25.08.2004 or from the date of divorce/ widowhood or from the date on which her turn for family pension materializes, whichever is later.”
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 152/2006
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