RBE No. 124/2009: Sports – Initial Fixation of Pay
No. E(Sports)/2003/Policy/INC/I, dated 09.07.2009
Sub: Higher fixation of pay of sportspersons at the time of initial appointment on Railways and on their out-of-turn promotion on sports account.
Ref: Board’s policy letter No.E(Sports)/2007/Policy/3, dated 30.03.2007 (RBE No. 48/2007).
Please refer to para 8 and the 9.6(e) of Board’s policy letter referred to above regarding higher fixation of pay of sportspersons at the time of initial appointment on Railways and on their out-of-turn promotion on sports account from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ or within Group ‘C’.
The issue of granting incentive increments to Railway sportspersons on sports account has been re-considered in Board’s office in consultation with the Finance Directorate. Railway Board have decided that henceforth only five incentive increments will be granted to a Railway Servant in entire service career, on sports accounts. The incentive increments granted to sportspersons would continue to be drawn at the same rate till retirement and these increments will not be counted for any service matters like pay fixation on promotion, retirement or DA/CCA etc. These instruments will be in the form of Personal Pay, equal to the account of the next increment due at the time of grant of concession and will remain fixed during the entire service.
These incentive increments will be granted only for the sports achievements of sportspersons after joining the Railways. Therefore, henceforth, pay of the sportspersons shall be fixed at the minimum of the scale of pay on their initial appointment and with normal fixation on their out-of-turn promotion on sports account.
In view of above, para 8.2, 9.3.5 & 9.6(e) and column 3 (with heading “Fixation of Pay) of para 8.1.1 & 8.1.2 of Board’s policy letter dated 30.03.2007 (RBE No. 48/2007) referred above, shall be treated as cancelled.
However, in really outstanding cases, Railway Board can grant higher fixation of pay to a sportsperson, at the time of initial appointment, subject to maximum five instruments. Railways/ Units can send the proposals of outstanding sportspersons, having medal winning performances in recognized National/ International Championships; for higher fixation of pay at the time of initial appointment; with the recommendation of General Manager.
This issue with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 124/2009
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No. 15/2020