RBE No. 121/2007: Non-Technical Popular Categories – Change of Category
No. E(NG)I/2006/TR/18, dated 25.09.2007
Sub: Change of category to Commercial and other non-technical popular categories.
1. Reference instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I-95/TR/16, dated 20.12.1995 (RBE No. 140/1995) placing restrictions on the change of category to the category of Ticket Collector in the Commercial Department.
2. The matter has been reviewed by the Board in modification/ amplification of instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter dated 20.12.1995 (RBE No. 140/1995) referred to above, it has been decided that requests should not be entertained for change of category to Commercial and other non-technical popular categories like Clerks, Accounts Clerk, Ticket Collector, Commercial Clerk, Sr. Clerk, Jr. Accounts Assistant, Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, ECRC, etc. However, the Administration’s power to absorb surplus staff and medically de-categorized staff in any category as per procedure in force remain unaffected.
3. please acknowledge receipt
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 121/2007
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.125/2023,
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