IREC Rule No.1602: Admissibility To Travelling Allowance

1602. Admissibility To Travelling Allowance:-

(1)    For the purpose of admissibility to Travelling Allowance, entitlement of Railway servants will be based on the Grade Pay drawn for those drawing Grade Pay upto Rs.10000 and pay drawn in Pay Band for those in Pay Scale of HAG and above.

[Authority:  RBE No.192/2008, No.F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14,  01.12.2008 And, RBE No.49/2013, No.F(E)I/2010/AL-28/36, 23.05.2013, ACS No.60]

(2)   Where a railway servant is promoted or reverted or is granted an increased rate of pay with retrospective effect, no revision of claims for travelling allowance is permissible, in respect of the period intervening between the date of promotion or reversion or grant of increased rate of pay, and that on which it is notified, unless it is clear that there has been an actual change of duties.

Note: In the case of late authorization / drawal of increments with retrospective effect, other than those higher increments were withheld or where the increments take an officer above the stage of efficiency bar, there is no objection to the supplementary claims relating to Travelling Allowance, if any, being admitted, on the basis of the enhanced pay including the increments.

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