Deputation: RBE No.106/2010: Transfer On Deputation/ Foreign Service
RBE No.106/2010: Transfer On Deputation / Foreign Service
No.2010/F(E)II/1(1)/1, dated 28.07.2010
Sub: Transfer On Deputation / Foreign Service of Central Govt. employees to ex-cadre posts under the Central Government State Governments / Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies / Universities / UT Administration / Local Bodies etc. and vice-versa – Regulation of pay, Deputation (duty) allowance, tenure of deputation / Foreign Service and other terms and conditions – regarding.
The terms and conditions of appointment on deputation / Foreign Service in accordance with Recruitment Rules of the ex-cadre posts, under the same or some other departments of Central Government, State Governments / Union Territories Administrations / Local Bodies or under Central, State, PSUs / Autonomous Bodies etc. and vice-versa contained in DOP&T’s OM No.2/29/91-Estt.(Pay-II), dated 5th January, 1994 (adopted in Railways Board’s office vide letter No.F(E)II/94/DE-1/1, dated 05.12.1994, (RBE No.110/1994) as amended from time to time, have now been suitably revised and consolidated as per their OM No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-II), dated 17th June, 2010. A copy of the same is sent herewith for information and guidance. The orders contained therein will apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees also.
The above orders will take effect from 01.01.2006 and shall be applicable to all officers who were on deputation on 01.01.2006 or appointed thereafter except for the revised rate of deputation (duty) allowance which shall be applicable from 01.09.2008 as mentioned below para 6.1 thereof.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.106/2010
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.38/2016, RBE No.15/2022 RBE No.48/2024,