IREC Rule No.1704: Definitions
1704. Definitions:-
For the purposes of these orders;
(a) Pay would be as defined in Rule 103(35)(i) R-I and in the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1997 would also include stagnation increment (s) and non-practicing allowance. In the case of those railway servants who opt to retain the pre-revised scales of pay in existence prior to 01.01.1996, it will include, in addition to pay in the pre-revised scale, dearness allowance and interim relief appropriate to that pay admissible under orders in existence on 01.01.1996. In case of Running staff, pay shall include the pay element in running allowance as determined by administrative orders from time to time.
[Authority: RBE No.165/2005, No.E(P&A)II-97/HRA-19, 03.10.2005, ACS No.57 R-II]
(b) Rent means the charges paid by a Railway employee as consideration for accommodation occupied by him if he is a tenant and the rental value of the house as assessed for municipal purposes or otherwise, if he lives in his own house. It will also mean the charges paid by a Railway employee who resides in a hostel or a boarding house or resides and boards in a private family as a paying guest.
(c) Family means a Railway employee’s wife / husband, children and other persons residing with and wholly dependent upon him / her. A husband / wife / child / parent having an independent source of income is not treated as a member belonging to the family of the Railway employee except when such income including pension (inclusive of temporary increase in pension and pension equivalent of death-cum-retirement benefits) does not exceed Rs.250 per mont