Promotion: RBE No.14/2024 – Channel of promotion in the Stores Depot
No.E(NG)I-2022/PM13/1 Part-1 (e-3406546), dated 09.02.2024
Sub: Channel of promotion for Ministerial and Non-ministerial cadre in the Stores Depot.
Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/65/PM1/88, dated 22.09.1969.
1. In terms of para (i) of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/65/PM1/88, dated 22.09.1969, within one year of the non-fortuitous promotion of the ministerial staff to Sr.Clerk (Level- 5), they would be required to exercise an option to seek their further avenue of promotion to either in Ministerial category or Non-Ministerial category side. The staff will be absorbed on the Non-Ministerial side or ministerial side on the basis of options exercised by them. According to their option, Sr.Clerks working in Stores Depots are being enlisted in seniority group separately in Ministerial & Non-ministerial category for further promotion to higher vacancy in ministerial category i.e. OS from the seniority group of Ministerial category optees and higher grade vacancy in Non-ministerial category i.e. DMS from the seniority group of Non-ministerial optees. The options once exercised by Sr.Clerks for promotion to Ministerial or Non-ministerial posts is final and no change is permitted afterwards. Due to change in mode of filling of post of DMS from Non-Selection to Selection, it was observed that the Ministerial staff are not opting for the Non-ministerial side as one-time option restricted their chances of career progression. There was a demand from Stores Directorate to revisit this one-time option.
2. The matter has been examined and with the approval of competent authority, it has been decided that ministerial category of Stores Depot to may opt and seek promotion to DMS in every cycle of selection instead of one time option allowed under instructions dated 22.09.1969.
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