Substitutes: RBE No.144/2005 – Engagement of

No.E(NG)II/2005/SB/6, dated 12.09.2005

Sub:  Engagement of Substitutes on the Railways.

Ref:  Board’s letters No.E(NG)II/90/SB/10, dated 29.01.1991 (RBE No.12/1991), 04.11.1992 (RBE No.185/1992) and E(NG)II/2001/SB/2, dated 04.01.2001 (RBE No.03/2001).

1. Instructions have been issued from time to time on the subject of engagement of Substitutes. However, following irregularities have been noticed by the Vigilance Directorate in the engagement of Substitutes under the discretionary powers of the General Managers:

(i) no proper system is being followed for verification of educational qualifications, certificates, etc., before obtaining General Manager’s approval;

(ii) a candidate whose application had been rejected earlier due to submission of a fictitious certificate was considered again with a ‘fresh’ certificate;

(iii) proper records of the applications were not kept.

2. To avoid the recurrence of such cases, it has been decided that while engaging ‘Substitutes’ on the Railway, verification of certificates, educational qualifications, age, etc., should be completed in all respects before obtaining approval of the General Manager. Records of the applications, etc., which are no longer required to be retained should be shredded/ weeded out, only after obtaining clearance from the Vigilance Department.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.144/2005

Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.137/2010,

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