Master Craftsman: RBE No.31/1988 – Artisan Category
No.E(NG)I-86-PM7-8, dated 25.02.1988
Sub: Master Craftsman in Artisan category – Methodology for filling up the posts of.
1. Please refer to Board’s letter No.PC-III/82/PS-3/10, dated 14.02.1986 (RBE No.34/1986) on the above subject wherein the category of Master Craftsman in grade Rs.425-640 (RS) was introduced for the first time on Indian Railways and Board’s letter of even number dated 03.06.1987 (RBE No.138/1987) wherein it was laid down for the first time that the persons promoted as Master Craftsman will not be eligible for any further advancement beyond the position and grade of Master Craftsman. It was also laid down in Board’s letter dated 03.06.1987 (RBE No.138/1987) that so far a, persons who have already been fitted in as Master Craftsman before the issue of these orders will be eligible for being considered for selection for promotion to the posts of Chargeman ‘B’ because the condition of this grade being a terminal grade was not made explicit earlier.
2. It has been brought to the notice of the Board by some of the Railway Administrations that in some cases, the initial posts of Master Craftsman created in terms of Board’s letter of 14.02.1986 (RBE No.34/1986) could not be filled up before the issue of Board’s letter of 03.06.1987 (RBE No.138/1987) declaring the grade of Master Craftsman as a terminal one. It was recommended by them that the staff who may be promoted as Master Craftsman in the initial vacancies even after 03.06.1987 may be allowed an avenue of promotion to the post of Chargeman ‘B’ and the grade of Master Craftsman may not be treated as terminal in their case.
3. The matter has been carefully considered by the Board and it has been decided that the employees who are promoted as Master Craftsman against the initial vacancies will continue to have the avenue of promotion which they would have been entitled to otherwise, irrespective of the date of their promotion. However, in case of the employees promoted as Master Craftsman in subsequent vacancies after 03.06.1987, the grade of Master Craftsman will be a terminal grade.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.31/1988
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.