IREC Rule No.945: Payment Of Provident Fund
945. Payment Of Provident Fund:-
(1) The amount standing at the credit of a subscriber, or the balance thereof after any deduction under Rule 944 shall ordinarily be tendered for payment within two months of the date when it becomes payable under Rule 942 unless in the of case of death of the subscriber satisfactory proof of title of the claimants has not been received by the Accounts Officer within that time, in which case the amount shall ordinarily be tendered for payment within a fortnight of the receipt of such proofs by the Accounts Officer .
(2) Payment of Amounts standing to the credit of a subscriber shall be made in India only.
(3) If the Accounts Officer has received notice of any assignment, attachment or encumbrance affecting a subscriber’s assets in the fund or any portion thereof, he shall make payment only of that portion which is not affected by the assignment, attachment or encumbrance and obtain the orders of the Government of India regarding the disposal of the balance.