Master Craftsmen: RBE No.101/1986 – Artisan Category
No.PCIII/82/PS-3/10, dated 28.05.1986
Sub: Introduction of Master Craftsmen scale Rs.425-640 in the Artisan category.
The Staff Side in the Departmental Council/ J.C.M. held in March, 1986 expressed apprehensions that due to the expression “extent of 10% (Ten percent)” appearing in para 1(i) of Board’s letter of even number dated 14.02.1986 (RBE No.34/1986) it is likely that on some of the Railways up-gradation of posts from Rs.380-560 (Skilled Grade-I) to Rs.425-640 (Master Craftsmen) may become less than 10% of the posts of, Skilled Grade-I. It is hereby clarified that the words “extent of 10% (Ten Percent)” merely indicate the percentage of posts to be upgraded and does not in any way grant any discretion to the competent authority to sanction a lower percentage. There could, however, be occasions where the actual number of posts operated may be less than 10% due to non-availability of eligible candidates.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.101/1986
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.