RBE No. 21/2005: Risk Allowance – Categories
No.E(P&A)I-97/SP-I/AD-I, dated 02.02.2005
Sub: Review of categories for grant of Risk Allowance.
Ref: Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-97/SP-1/AD-1, dated 27.02.2004 (RBE No. 36/2004).
1. De-notification of categories of employees in receipt of Risk Allowance was circulated vide Board’s letter cited above. In the form of PNM and DC/JCM, staff side had requested for review of these categories. The entire issue of identification of categories of employees as eligible for receipt of Risk Allowance was examined by the Board in line with the recommendations of the V CPC. Accordingly, in supersession of earlier instructions contained in Boards letter No.E(P&A)I-97/SP-1/AD-1, dated 27.02.2004 (RBE No. 36/2004), the revised list of categories of employees in receipt of Risk allowance to be de-notified is enclosed as Annexure-I.
2. These orders will be effective from the date of issue of this letter.
3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
SN |
Category |
SN |
Category |
SN |
Category |
1 |
Blacksmith |
2 |
Bridge field staff |
3 |
Bariwala |
4 |
Batterymen (Those directly involved in charging of Batteries) |
5 |
Cooks |
6 |
Cook Mates |
7 |
Dollymen |
8 |
Electro Platters |
9 |
Fitters |
10 |
Gatekeepers |
11 |
Gangmen |
12 |
Keymen |
13 |
Khalasis |
14 |
Lampmen |
15 |
Mosquitomen |
16 |
Overhead Crane Driver |
17 |
Patrolling staff |
18 |
Painters |
19 |
Pointsmen |
20 |
Porters |
21 |
Riverters |
22 |
Sarangs |
23 |
Sanitary Mistries |
24 |
Sandblasters |
25 |
Staff handling 440 volt & above equipments |
26 |
Shuntmen |
27 |
Skid Porters |
28 |
Skid men |
29 |
Shunting Masters |
30 |
Shunting Jamadar |
31 |
Shunting Porters |
32 |
Trolley men |
33 |
TRD Lineman |
34 |
Token Porters |
35 |
Welders |
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 21/2005
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.