RBE No. 40/2009: Staff Benefit Fund – Additional Allocation
No.E(W)2008/FU-1/2, dated 19.02.2009
Sub: Staff Benefit Fund – Utilization of funds and drawal of Additional allocation – Reg.
Ref: This office letter of even number dated 05.11.2008 (RBE No. 166/2008).
1. NFIR have requested that since orders regarding ad-hoc additional contribution to Staff Benefit Fund for the year 2008-09 were issued vide letter dated 05.11.2008 (RBE No. 166/2008) ibid, the Zonal Railways etc. may be permitted to utilize the allocation beyond 31st March 2009.
2. As per extant practice, the un-utilized funds under Staff Benefit Fund are carried forward to the following financial year though Railways should plan expenditure for utilizing the funds in the year of allocation itself. However, considering the possibility that there may not be adequate time to utilize the additional ad-hoc allocation of Rs.315 per capita under SBF in the current year as instructions providing the additional ad-hoc contribution in this regard were issued on 05.11.2008 (RBE No. 166/2008), it has been decided by the Board that the Zonal Railways/ PUs etc. may utilize these funds till 2009-10.
3. It is also clarified that the additional ad-hoc allotment of Rs.10 per capita sanctioned for “Scouts Activities” under the said orders may also be drawn by the Zonal Railways, PUs etc. and utilized by the respective Scouts and Guides Associations for augmenting infrastructural facilities, viz. training, etc.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 40/2009
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.