RBE No. 190/2006: Rightsizing – Safety Categories
No.E(MPP)2002/1/83/Vol.II, dated 18.12.2006
Sub: Rightsizing the Indian Railways
Kindly refer Board’s letter of even number dated 10.04.2006 (RBE No. 47/2006) enclosing therein a list of categories on which the Railways were to start the process of rightsizing subject to proper review being undertaken. It has been observed that some of the categories like Telecom Maintainer, Wireless Telecom Maintainer, etc. are not to be covered under the above orders as they are safety category staff and are exempted from the purview of rightsizing in terms of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2002/1/83, dated 10.09.2003 (RBE No. 160/2003). However, the railways should review the strength of all categories of staff critically and look for fat using benchmarking principles.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 190/2006
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