RBE No.31/1997: Promotion – Abnormal Delay in Granting Promotion
No.E(NG)I-96/PM1/6/JCM-DC, dated 14.02.1997
SC to MC No.4
Sub: Abnormal delay in granting promotion to staff against non-selection posts – Calculation of vacancies for ‘non-selection’ posts etc.
Ref: Board’s letters No.
(i) E(NG)I-76/PM1/21, dated 02.02.1983,
(ii) E(NG)I-83/PM1/53, dated 11.05.1983,
(iii) E(NG)I-88/PM7/16, dated 30.01.1992 (RBE No. 17/1992),
(iv) E(NG)I-88/PM7/16, dated 03.03.1993 (RBE No. 38/1993),
1. In terms of instructions contained in Board’s letter E(NG)I-88/PM7/16, dated 30.01.1992 (RBE No. 17/1992) read with ACS No.21 to para 214(c)(ii) of IREM, Vol-I (18989 Edition) circulated in their letter of same number dated 20.09.1996 (RBE No. 97/1996) for promotion to ‘Non-selection’ posts eligible staff called for consideration should be equal to existing vacancies plus those anticipated to occur during the next six months.
2. In the Departmental Council under the scheme of JCM the Staff Side vide Item No.38/96 raised a demand that since abnormal delays are taking place in granting promotions to Staff against ‘non-selection’ posts also, the extant instructions should be modified so as to ensure regular promotion to ‘non-selection’ posts without delay.
3. The matter was discussed further in the JCM Meeting held on 09/10.01.1997. Pursuant to these discussions, it has been decided that in respect of posts classified as ‘Non-selection’ promotions to which is based on scrutiny of Records of Service/ Confidential Reports only, the existing provision for calculation of anticipated vacancies may be modified to the extent that vacancies anticipated to occur during the next one year instead of six months may be taken into account, as a trial measure upto 30.06.1999 after which the matter will be reviewed.
3.1 In order to ensure that the objective of the modification is achieved fully, for forming select lists, vacancies existing on first July and those anticipated upto and including 30th June of the following year should be taken into account. The success of the above scheme of forming “select list” will inter alia depend on adhering to the above calendar scrupulously, and on the timely finalization of ACRs for which a schedule has already been laid down.
4. This will not cover formation of ‘select list’ based on trade tests, and ‘non-selection’ posts where suitability is assessed by a test.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.31/1997
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