Commutation Rule No.34: Power To Relax
34. Power To Relax:-
Where any of the Railway establishment or Unit is satisfied that the operation of any of these rules causes undue hardship in any particular case, that Establishment or Unit, as the case may be, by order for reasons to be recorded in writing, approach the Ministry of Railways for dispensing with or relaxing the requirements of the rule to such extent and subject to such exceptions and conditions, as it may consider necessary for the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) shall examine each such case and arrange to communicate the sanction of the President to the proposed dispensation or relaxation as it may consider necessary keeping in view the merits of each case and keeping in view any other statutory provisions. Provided that no such order shall be made except with the concurrence of the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India.