RBE No. 09/1995: Training – Recovery of Cost of Training
No.E(NG)I/89/AP/5, dated 30.01.1995
Sub: Forwarding of application from serving Railway employees for posts outside the Railways – recovery of cost of training and enforcement of bond.
1. As the Railways are aware, in terms of the instructions contained in Board’s letters (1) No.E(NG)II/77 AP-6, dated 09.02.1979 & (2) No.E(NG)I/84/AP/9, dated 11.04.1986 (RBE No. 62/1986), indicated in the margin, non-gazetted railway employees who have received ‘induction training’ and who leave the railway service with proper prior permission of the competent authority to join employment under the Central Govt./ State Govt./ Public Enterprises wholly or partly owned by the Central Govt. or a State Govt. or autonomous body wholly or substantially owned/ financed/ controlled by the Central Govt. or a State Govt., are exempted from refunding the cost of training. However, a fresh bond is taken from such employees to ensure that they serve the new employer for the balance of the original bond period.
2. It has now been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the above instructions will also become applicable in respect of those non-gazetted Railway employees who have received training in a specific ‘avocation’ at the Railway’s expenses subject to the condition stipulated in Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/84/AP/9, dated 11.04.1986 (RBE No. 62/1986).
3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
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If ab employee not quite the rly service but join another post in rly wheather he should refund the cost of training