Promotion – To Group ‘B’ – Selection and LDCE
No.E(GP)92/2/93, dated 16.11.1992
Sub: Promotion for Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ Cadre – Increase of LDCE quota of vacancies from 25 % to 30%.
Ref: Board’s letter No.E(GP)76/2/96, dated 03.06.1977, No.E(GP)76/2/96, dated 03.08.1977 and No.E(GP)74/2/20, dated 31.08.1978.
1. On a review of the existing percentage of filling up of the vacancies for which panel is required to be framed in Class-II referred to above, it has now been decided that the present quota of 25% be increased to 30%. As a natural corollary thereof, the percentage of vacancies for seniority-cum-merit selection will be 70% of the total vacancies assessed.
2. Action is being separately to amend the relevant Recruitment Rules and the Railways will be advised as soon as the amendments are notified.
3. The revised percentage takes effect from the date of issue of this letter. However, wherever the selections/ LDCE have been initiated or are in the process of being finalized on the basis of earlier instructions need not be disturbed.
4. All instructions is used earlier on the above subject stand modified to the extent of the change made in para 1 above.
Download Railway Board Circular dated 16.11.1992
Forward reference⇒RBE No. 02/2006