RBE No. 60/2009: Periodical Transfer
No.E(NG)I-2007/TR/27, dated 01.04.2009
Sub: Periodical transfer of Railway employees.
As the Railway Administrations are aware, a comprehensive list of sensitive posts for the purpose of periodical transfer was drawn by the Ministry of Railways and circulated under their letter No.E(NG)I/87/TR/34(JCM/DC), dated 27.09.1989 (RBE No. 244/1989). The Ministry of Railways have since decided that the post of JE/ SE/ SSE (work & P. Way) in-charge of stores/ dealing with contractor/ accepting supply of stores should also be included in the list of sensitive posts for the purpose of periodical transfer. Accordingly, item No.1 of Annexure to Board’s letter ibid under Civil Engineering Department may be modified as under:-
“1. JE/ SE/ SSE (work & P. Way) in-charge of stores/ dealing with contractors/ accepting supply of stores.”
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 60/2009
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