Pension Rules No.2: Application
2. Application:-
Save as otherwise expressly provided in these rules, these rules shall apply to the following railway servants, namely:-
(1) Any Group ‘D’ railway servant whose service was pensionable before the introduction of Pension System for Railway Servants on the 16th day of November, 1957;
(2) Any non-pensionable railway servants who was in service on the 16th day of November, 1957 and who elected to be governed by these rules,
(3) Any non-pensionable railway servant who was in service on the 1st day of January, 1986 and did not opt to be governed by the State Railway Provident Fund (Contributory) Rules; and
(4) Any person entering a railway service on or after the 16th November, 1957, except a person who is appointed on contract or re-employed after superannuation or whose terms of appointment specifically provide to the contrary.
Provided that nothing contained in these rules shall apply to railway servants appointed on or after the 1st day of January, 2004.
[Authority: RBE No.222/2003, No.F(E)III/2003/PN1/38(Amendment)I, 30.12.2003]