RBE No.63/2003: Pass Rules – Legally divorced daughter and widowed daughter
No.E(W)2002PS5-1/8, dated 16.04.2003
Sub: Inclusion of Legally divorced daughter and widowed daughter in the post retirement complimentary pass.
1. In terms of provisions contained in Railway Servants (Pass Rules), 1986 (Second Edition-1993) post retirement complimentary passes are issued to Railway servants for self, wife/ husband and children subject to the same condition as applicable to Railway servants in service. A doubt has arisen weather Legally divorced daughter and widowed daughter can be treated as children for the purpose of issue of post retirement complementary pass.
2. The issue has been examined and it is clarified that Legally divorced daughter and widow daughter may be included in the post retirement complementary pass as dependent relative of the retired Railway servants, provided they reside with retired Railway employees and subject to fulfillment of income criteria laid down for the purpose.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.63/2003
Forward reference⇒RBE No.110/2018
is widow doughter name is printed in PPO.
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Railway employees are required to mention names of all family stake holders, including married daughters, in Form 6 at the time of retirement/death because if in future married daughters gets divorced or become widow, she will get her share of due pension etc. in her turn as per Family Pension Rules.
Mention of widow daughter in PPO will depend upon circumstances and family structure, which is not mentioned in query.
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