Senior Nursing Superintendents: Stepping up of Pay
No.PC-VI/2020/RU-NFIR/3, dated 31.10.2023
Sub: Denial of minimum pay to the Senior Nursing Superintendents (Nursing Sisters) on Railways.
Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 11.07.2023.
1. Vide letter under reference the federation was informed that Ministry of Finance had already been requested to expedite their decision on this Ministry’s proposal in the aforesaid matter.
2. In continuation to the above, the federation is hereby informed that Ministry of Finance vide their O.M. dated 19.09.2023 had not agreed to Board’s proposal regarding stepping up of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendents. Copy of reply received from Ministry of Finance is enclosed.
3. The above clarification has also been circulated to all Zonal Railways/ PUs vide Board’s letter of even number dated 05.10.2023 (copy enclosed)
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure
F.No.03-18/2019-E-III(A), dated 19.09.2023
Office Memorandum
Sub: Anomaly in the pay fixation of Sr. Nursing Superintendents working in Indian Railways.
1. The undersigned is directed to refer to M/o Railways’ OM No.PCVI/2020/RU-NFIR/3, dated 23.03.2023, requesting this Department to resolve the pay anomaly of Sr. Nursing Superintendents by allowing stepping up of pay at par with that of Nursing Superintendents.
2. The matter has been re-examined. In this regard it is stated that as per Note 2A under Rule 7 of CCS (RP) Rules 2008, in 6th CPC pay structure, the pay of the employees holding such post which has been upgraded by 6th CPC, may be fixed by multiplying the existing pay immediately before 01.01.2006 by 1.86 and in addition the Corresponding grade pay of the upgraded pay scale may be payable. Therefore, in the instant case the pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendents in 6th CPC pay structure may be fixed as per Rule 7 i.e. by multiplying the existing pay in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 with 1.86 in addition to the pay so arrived, upgraded grade pay Rs.4800 may be added. In view of this, the pay fixation methodology as directed by Hon’ble CAT i.e. fixing the pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent with reference to the higher pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 (corresponding scale of Rs.4800 GP) is not in consonance with CCS (RP) Rules 2008.
3. Further, as regards the stepping up of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendents at par with the pay of Nursing Superintendents w.e.f. 01.01.2006 it is stated that Anomaly in context of stepping up of pay arises when a junior and a senior employee hold the same post in same pay scale and the junior starts to draw higher pay then the senior. In the instant case, stepping up of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendents at par with the pay of Nursing Superintendents is not in consonance with the guidelines of stepping up of pay as both of them were drawing pay in different posts and different pay scales before and after 01.01.2006, thus there is no anomaly in the instant case.
4. Accordingly, the proposal of M/o Railways to allow stepping up of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent at par with that of Nursing Superintendents is not agreed to M/o Railways is advised to process the case strictly in terms of CCS (RP) Rules 2008. It is also advised to defend the court case accordingly.
5. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Download Railway Board Circular Dated 31.10.2023
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.