Transfer: RBE No.186/2002 – To New Railway Zones
No.E(NG)I-96/TR/36/Vol.II, dated 10.10.2002
Sub: Transfer of staff to serve in the headquarter offices of the new Railway zones – Determination of seniority on such transfer.
1. The order of priority for transfer of staff for working in the headquarter offices of the new zones has been laid down in para 2 of this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I-96/TR/36, dated 06.12.1996 (RBE No.123/1996) as reiterated in the subsequent instruction contained in their letters dated 09.07.2002 (RBE No.100/2002) and 19.07.2002 (RBE No.117/2002). It has, however, been brought to the notice of this Ministry that in violation of the order of priority, staff from some Railways lower down in the priority and not affected by the formation of new zones, have been relieved by the Railways for transfer to headquarter offices of the new Zonal Railways without waiting for instructions from the new Zonal Railways. Such staff are being redirected by the new Zonal Railways to their parent cadres.
2. The Ministry of Railways desire that while this lapse should be looked into and responsibility fixed, such staff on being redirected by the new Zonal Railways, should be taken back and posted to their original stations/ place of work and their period of absence treated as duty.
3. The Ministry of Railways further reiterate that the transfer of staff to the new zones should be strictly as per the order of priority already laid down.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.186/2002
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