First-Aid: RBE No.243/1985 – Honorarium to Railway Doctors Delivering Lectures
No.E(G) 85 HOI-1, dated 10.09.1985
Sub: Grant of honorarium to Railway doctors who deliver lectures in First-Aid.
In supersession of the instructions contained in Railway Board’s letter No.E(G) 62 HO1-9, dated 19/20.07.1962, E(G) 63 HO1-27, date 23.11.1963 and 11.03.1964 and E(G) 79 HO1-18, dated 10.7.1979 on the above subject the Ministry of Railways have decided that the Railway doctors, who deliver lectures in First-aid to the Railway employees and also to their families at centres where practice exists, may be paid honorarium of Rs.100 for conducting First-aid classes consisting of at least 12 trainees for a session of at least 8 lectures of two hours’ duration irrespective of the fact whether the number of employees who actually attend the lectures is 12 or not. But the lectures should be arranged only if a minimum of 12 employees are scheduled to attend the same. Thereafter, the number of employees who actually attend the lectures, would not affect the honorarium payable.
The Ministry of Railways have further decided that as far as possible, the lectures for conducting the First-aid Classes should be given by the Railway doctors only. However, when the Railway doctors may not be available to cope up with the workload on this account, the Lay Lecturers viz., Railway employees who may be able to do so after being duly accredited by St. John Ambulance Association, may be permitted to deliver lectures in First-aid and paid honorarium at the same rates as admissible to the Railway doctors.
This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.243/1985
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.