Stock Verifire: RBE No.113/2022 – Selection – ACS No.278 to IREM Vol-I
No.E(NG)I/2021/PM-9/4, dated 13.09.2022
Sub: Selection of Accounts Stock Verifire to IREM-IV, GPRs.4200/ L-6.
1. As per Para 6 of Appendix-IV IREM Volume-I, staff appointed as Accounts Stock Verifire are required to pass the Appendix-4 IREM examination in three chances to be availed within a period of 4 years of their joining of the post of Accounts Stock Verifier, failing which they will be reverted to the parent cadre.
2. One of the Zonal Railways brought out the difficulty in filling up the post of Accounts Stock Verifire due to non-availability of volunteers in the feeder cadre, and candidates not being able to clear the Appendix IV IREM examination within the prescribe three chances to be availed in four years etc.
3. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Zonal Railways and the Accounts Dte. and keeping in view the overall shortage of ASV on the Railways, which leads to accumulation of mandays arrears of verification of Stores items, it has been decided that the number of chances for clearing the Appendix IV IREM examination shall be increased to four (04) which is to be availed within a period of five (05) years.
4. Para 6 of Appendix-IV of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol-I stands amended accordingly as per ACS No.278 enclosed herewith.
Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol-I, 1989
Advanced Correction Slip No.278
Appendix-IV, ‘Promotion to and confirmation in the rank of Stock Verifier’
Para 6 may be replaced as following:
“The staff appointed as Accounts Stock Verifire will be required to pass the Appendix-4 IREM examination in four chances to be availed within a period of 5 years of their joining of the post of Accounts Stock Verifire, failing which they will be reverted to the parent cadre. The examination will be conducted by the Head of Office of Accounts Department assisted by an officer of the Stores Department at least once annually.”
[Authority: Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2021/PM-9/4, dated 13.09.2022, RBE No.113/2022]
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.113/2022
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.