Watermen: RBE No.33/1985 – Grant of Regular Scale of Pay
No.E(NG)II/83/CL/117, dated 25.01.1985
Sub: Grant of regular scale of pay to casual labour engaged as Waterman during summer season.
1. In the meeting held on 21stAugust, 1983 and subsequently on 30thJuly, 1984 with the staff side of the Departmental Council of the JCM, the Staff Side demanded that services rendered by the casual Watermen in spells every year should be aggregated for the purpose of eligibility for regular scale of pay, etc.Similar proposal has also when received from some of the Railway Administration.
2. The ministry of Railways have examined this matter in the light of instructions contained in their letter No.E(NG)II/CL/25, dated 21.10.1980 and 02.04.1981.They have now decided that the casual watermen employed in summer seasons should be eligible for a temporary status on completion of 120 days of continuous employment. For the purpose of counting the total number of days of continuous employment various spells of engagement as casual watermen maybe aggregated provided the gap between any two spells of employment has been caused due to the season being over and/or there being no work for them in such establishment provided further that if a person engaged in the previous year is given an opportunity to work in the same hot weather establishment in the subsequent year but he fails to avail of that opportunity, he will have to start afresh in the event of his being so engaged again on any future occasion.
3. These orders will be effective from the summer season of the current calendar year (1985).In other words; they will apply only to casual watermen to be engaged during the summer season of the current year and for such engagement in future years.
4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.33/1985
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