RBE No. 06/2021: Re-engagement – Engg, Elect. and S&T
No.E(NG)II/2020/RC-4/2(Pt.), dated 20.01.2021
Sub: Engagement of staff against posts of SSEs/ JEs (Works) in Construction organization by re-engagement of retired personnel and by engagement on contract basis.
1. A scheme providing for re-engagement of retired staff and also for engagement of Contractual staff in Supervisory posts in Engineering, Electrical and S&T Departments was in operation till 19.11.2020 vide Board letter No.2018/Trans.Cell/S&T/Contractual Staff, dt. 20.11.2018.
2. Proposals from some of Railways for extension of this scheme have since been considered in Board. It has been decided to extend the scheme of engagement of staff against vacancies in supervisory cadre of Engineering, S&T and Electrical Departments for 100 positions for one year for targeted construction work on the terms/ conditions and remuneration as stipulated vide Railway Board’s letter No.2018/TransCell/S&T/ Contractual Staff, dated 20.11.2018. It is reiterated that no retired employee should be engaged as decided vide Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2020/RC-4/2(Pt.2), dated 22.12.2020 (RBE No. 113/2020).
3. The quota of such engagements Railway wise will be limited to number indicated in the enclosed “Annexure”. Distribution of this quota between various disciplines within a Railway will be done by the General Manager.
Annexure to Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2020/RC-4/2(Pt.),
dated 20.01.2021 (RBE No. 06/2021)
S.No. |
Railway |
Railway wise quota |
S.No. |
Railway |
Railway wise quota |
1 |
CR |
10 |
2 |
ER |
0 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
ECoR |
0 |
5 |
NR |
5 |
6 |
3 |
7 |
2 |
8 |
0 |
9 |
9 |
10 |
SR |
1 |
11 |
24 |
12 |
0 |
13 |
0 |
14 |
39 |
15 |
WR |
0 |
16 |
2 |
100 |
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 06/2021
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.19/2022