RBE No. 84/1999: Appointments on Compassionate Grounds – Suitability Test – Additional Chance
No.E(NG)-II/99/RC-1/Gen./3/PNM-AIRF, dated 28.04.1999
(SC No.36 to MC No.16)
Sub: Appointments on Compassionate Grounds – Suitability Test.
1. Kindly refer to the instructions contained in Board’s letter No.E(NG)-II/88/RC-1/1 Policy, dated 28.04.1989 (RBE No. 274/1989) and 16.05.1991 (RBE No. 102/1991), regarding the procedure to be followed for assessing the suitability of candidates considered for appointment on compassionate grounds in Group ‘C’ posts.
2. The matter regarding additional chance be given to the candidates to appear in the suitability test for appointment on compassionate ground in Group ‘C’ post, in the event of candidate having been declared unfit in the first instance, came up for discussion in the recent of PNM meeting held with AIRF at Board’s level.
3. After due consideration, the Board has decided that, in exceptional cases where circumstances warrant additional chance being given, the competent authority may consider the request for allowing the candidate to reappear in the suitability test, duly taking into account the merits of each individual case.
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